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Campus Management Committee (CMC)
- Campus Management Committee (2023-12-18-2023-12-18)
- Audit Committee (2023-02-10-2026-02-09)
- Advisory Committee (2023-01-21-2026-01-20)
- Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC)Committee (2023-12-18-2023-12-18)
- Self Assessment Team (SAT) Committee (2023-12-18-2023-12-18)
- Research Management Committee (RMC) (2023-12-18-2023-12-18)
- Student Counselling and Employment Management Committee (2023-12-19-2023-12-19)
- Extracurricular Activities Committee (2024-01-07-2024-01-07)
- Purchase and Construction Committee (2024-01-07-2024-01-07)
- Internal Examination Committee (2024-01-07-2024-01-07)
- Teaching Practice Committee (2024-01-07-2024-01-07)
- Public Information and Communication Committee (2024-01-07-2024-01-07)
- Grievance Hearing Committee (2024-01-07-2024-01-07)
- Campus Physical Information Development Committee (2024-01-07-2024-01-07)
- Educational Management Information System Committee (2024-01-07-2024-01-07)
- Library Management Committee (2024-01-07-2024-01-07)
- NEHEP Committee (2024-01-07-2024-01-07)
- Campus Management Committee (CMC) (2024-03-01-2024-03-01)
Campus Management Committee (CMC)
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About Us
Situated to the eastern part of Jhapa, Charali is an emerging town and a hill-pass corridor to link the three hilly districts Ilam, Panchthar and Taplejung . Charali being itself an easily accessible place, a center point of eastern Jhapa, and a town of conscious, guardians and educationalists, the demand of higher education was to fulfill to address the keen desire of the public. As a result, with joint commitment of three educationally conscious donors- Devi Mainali, Chitra Kuikel and Hom Pande, for the funding of 1000000(ten lakhs) was the real milestone for the establishment of non-profitable community-based Tri-dev Multiple Campus, in 2064 B.S. To run the campus in its inception, the Martyr Dasharath Chand Higher Secondary School, its management and authority contributed a lot by providing its infrastructures and its premises for the campus. Gradually, the cash donors, donors for library establishment, local bodies (VDC, DDC), political parties and various local institutions remarkably assisted for its growth and development. TMC, from its establishment has a slogan- ‘Quality education today’s need,’ and is committed to deliver highly quality education through well-managed teaching learning activities and through physical facilities and needy technological support. For this, the effort of management committee, campus administration, the team effort of teaching and non-teaching staffs has flourished the glory of the campus far and wide. To reckon the institutional development of the campus the following dates have the historical importance: Meeting/Assembly with the hypothesis of the campus establishment 2063 Establishment of campus/affiliation to TU: 2064/05/19 Commencement of campus: 2064/04/19 Streams run in the campus: B.Ed: (English ,Nepali, Population, Economics): 4 Years Course B.B.S: 4 Years Course M.Ed : (English, EPM): Semester System.
To serve as an academic resource institute in this region.

To develop the educational institution as a model institution by making proper management of academic manpower and resources.

To produce research-based education, skilled in the use of innovation technology, qualitative and excellent academic manpower in international competition.

Mission 4
Message From Chairman Of Chairman
आदरणीय अभिभावकज्यूहरु, विद्यार्थी भाइबहिनीहरु तथा शुभचिन्तकलाई म यस क्षेत्रको एक अब्बल शैक्षिक प्रतिष्ठानको रुपमा स्थापित QAA प्राप्त त्रिदेब बहुमुखी क्याम्पसलाई आफ्नो उत्कृष्ट शैक्षिक गन्तव्यको रुपमा छनौट गर्नुभएकोमा हृदयदेखि नै स्वागत गर्दछु । हरिप्रसाद घिमिरे अध्यक्ष, क्याम्पस सञ्चालक समिति ..Read More

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